Yogyakarta Tourism

Yogyakarta is a tourist city in Indonesia which lies in the middle of the island of Java,Yogyakarta is also famous for its food but it also called Gudeg Yogyakarta people are very friendly and most of the people of Yogyakarta much smarter in nearly all accessories craft in yogyakarta in production by the local community. Yogyakarta is also called the city of Parties in Indonesia because a lot of the histories in Yogyakarta,Yogyakarta sultanate which also is the city led by Sultan Haming Kubuwono. Manyforeign tourists who came to visit the city of Yogyakarta is the Prambanan Temple in addition to tourism and the Sultan Palace Parangtritis there are always ramaikanvisitors. Shopping center located in the middle of the city of Yogyakarta is commonlycalled by Malioboro lot of people here who sells a wide variety of merchandise at the central market place selling Batik Bringharjo original production of Indonesia and along Malioboro street retailer is also filled with a variety of accessories ranging fromhousehold appliance up to daily use.

Prambanan Temple History

Prambanan is a group of temples built by Sanjaya dynasty kings in the IX century. The discovery of writings on the temple Pikatan name raises the notion that this temple was built by Rakai Pikatan who later settled by the Rakai Balitung based on the inscriptions numbered from 856 M "Inscription Siwargrarha" as the manifest political will to strengthen its position as the king who besar.Prasasti Siwargrarha year 856 AD issued by the Rakai luring of unknown origin, are now stored at the National Museum Jakarta.

These inscriptions began to attract attention after J.G. De Casparis managed to decipher and discuss it. According Casparis there are 3 important things in these inscriptions, which are: The language is the oldest examples of framed inscriptions of poetry written in Ancient Java;, containing materials or historical events are very important from the mid-abas to IX M; It poses a description a detailed account of a "cluster of temples", something unique in Javanese epigraphy kuna.Dari description above is an interesting historical events and a description of the cluster development of the temple. Historical events in question is a battle between Balaputeradewa of Sailendra family against family Rakai Pikatan of Sanjaya. Balaputeradewa defeated and fled to Sumatra. Rakai Pikatan Consolidation royal family were then being the beginning of a new period of development that need to be formalized with a group of large temples.
The description of the cluster of temples such as that mentioned in the inscription Siwargrarha can be compared with the Prambanan complex, a cluster of temples built fenced wall around its center and surrounded by rows of chapel arranged bersap found only in temples also Prambanan.Disebutkan ancillary same temple in the shape and size.
Another interesting thing is 2 Apit temples, each near the northern entrance of the temple and selatan.Keterangan regarding cluster located near the river is reminiscent of the cluster with the river Opak Prambanan temple in the western side and if the distance between the river and clusters Opak Prambanan and the possibility of bending deflection of the river flow occurred between the villages of Klurak and Bogem. Thus, it seems that the description contained in the inscription on the cluster of temples Siwargrarha more suited to the circumstances of Prambanan temple.
The occurrence of displacement to the center of Mataram Kingdom of East Java terawatnya not result in the temples in the Prambanan, this condition is getting worse by the earthquake and the eruption of Mount Merapi several times which made the Prambanan temple collapsed and left debris scattered stones. Prambanan Temple was known back when a Dutchman named CALons visited Java in 1733 and reported on the ruins of the temple is overgrown with shrubs.
First effort to rescue the temples of Prambanan conducted by Ijzerman in 1885 to clean up the chambers of the temple from the ruins of stone. In 1902 began coaching jobs, led by Van Erp for the Shiva temple, Vishnu temple and Brahma temple.Attention to Prambanan temple continues to grow. In year 1933 successfully arranged experiment Brahma and Vishnu temples. After experiencing various barriers to restoration completed by the Indonesian nation, dated December 23, 1953 Shiva temple completely refurbished and officially declared by President Dr selasai. Ir.Sukarno.
Restoration of  Prambanan temple in the region continue to be implemented, including the restoration of the temple of Brahma and Vishnu temples. Brahma temple restoration began in 1977 and was completed and inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Haryati Soebandio March 23, 1987. Temple wisnu restored starting in 1982 completed and inaugurated by President Soeharto on April 27, 1991. Subsequent restoration activities carried out on 3 pieces of the temple in front of the temple of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma besarta 4 temples color and 4 corner temples.


Parangtritis located 27 km south of the city of Yogyakarta and easily accessible bypublic transportation that operates until 17:00 pk and private vehicles. Afternoon near sundown is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if youarrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs behind the beachGembirawati this. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, upto the boundary horizonYogya will tell you a secret. Not many people know that in the east of this cliffhidden a ruined temple. Unlike the other temples are located in mountainous areas,Temple Gembirawati only a few hundred meters from the lip Parangtritis. To reachthis temple, we can get past the ramp near Hotel Queen of the South and then go up the path to the west about 100 meters. The faint roar of the sea south of the ferocious waves could be heard from this temple.

Parangtritis very closely with the legend of Ratu Kidul. Many people believe that Javais the gateway Parangtritis Queen of South magical kingdom who ruled the seasouth. Hotel Queen of the South is a luxurious resort that is named according to thislegend. Unfortunately this is rarely resorts to open even though used to have a view that could make us breathless.
KRATON - Palace of the King of Yogyakarta 

It lies between the northern boundary and the monument as Stage Krapyak the south border, between Code River in the east and west Winongo River. Between Mount Merapi and the South Sea, Palace in the mind of the Javanese society, defined as the center of the world which is described as the center of the universe.
After the Treaty Giyanti, Prince Mangkubumi given region of Yogyakarta. To run his government, Prince Mangkubumi build a palace in 1755 in the Forest Beringan. This land was considered quite good because flanked by two rivers that protect it from possible flooding. The first king in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta is the title of Prince Mangkubumi lane I (HB I).

Naming and Meaning Layout Palace, Palace or Kraton, derived from the word ka-queen's, which means a place to live queen / king. Broader meaning is, is described simply, that all structures and buildings in the Kraton area have significant meaning related to essential Javanese philosophy of life, namely Sangkan Paraning Dumadi (where it comes from humans and where eventually humans after death).

Outlines, in the Kraton area extending 5 km to the south until Krapyak and 2 km to the north end of Monument. On this line there is a linear line dualism inverted, so that could be read symbolically philosophical. From south to north, as the birth of human beings from on high to the mortal nature, and vice versa as the return man to the side Dumadi (God in view of Java). Meanwhile, a physical with the king's palace as a symbol of true soul that comes into the physical body.
Palace to Tugu also be interpreted as a way of life full of temptation. Beringharjo market symbolizes women temptation. While the temptation for power is symbolized by House Kepatihan. Both are located on the right. Straight road itself as a human symbol close to the Creator (impressive Paraning Dumadi). Put simply, the monument symbolism Linga (male) and Krapyak as Yoni (female).And the Palace as the physical origin of the two.

Spatial meaning Kraton Hit by the earthquake in 1867, the Palace was severely damaged. At the time of HB VII in 1889, the building is refurbished. The lay still retained, but the shape of the building changed as it looks now.
Monument and Ward or Ward Manguntur Tangkil Kencana (where the king's throne), located in a straight line, this means, when the Sultan sat on his throne and looking toward the Tugu, then he will always remember the people (subjects manunggaling gusti).

Kraton Kraton same order as the Mataram dynasty in general. Kencana ward which became the king's reign, together with Ward Prabayeksa as a place to store weapons Palace heritage (in this room there Wiji Kyai oil lamp, which is always guarded to prevent outages courtiers), serves as a center. The ward is covered by the court Kedhaton, so to reach the center, pass through a page that resembles a series of layered bewa (waves) above the ocean.
Special arrangement of the Palace is very similar to the constellation of mountains and plains Cashew Dwipa, seen as a continent of its center of the universe.
From north to south of the palace there are successive North Square, North Hinggil Siti, North Kemandhungan, Srimanganti, Kedhaton, Kemagangan, South Kemandhungan, Siti Hinggil Square South and South (the sheltered courtyard wall height).
While the door to go through to get to each place of nine, called Regol. From there north gate, pangurukan, Tarub great, brajanala, srimanganti, kemagangan, gadhung Mlati, kemandhungan and ivory.
Brongto diningrat looked at these numbers is important, as the highest number that describes perfection. This corresponds to nine holes in human beings, commonly called babahan hawa sanga.
The sacredness of each Palace building is indicated by the frequency and intensity of the Sultan at the venue.
Square, Exhibition, and Siti Hinggil, in place of Sultan only comes three times a year, namely during the events of Pisowan Ageng Grebeg Maulud, Sawal and Besar. And the opportunities so incidental a very special example when the coronation of the Emperor and Crown Prince or Princess Coronation Duke Anom.

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